Two Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were jointly organized at Biratnagar by Nepal Institute for Urban and Regional Studies and Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) on the theme- “Investment Opportunities and Challenges in Province 1” on March 2, 2022. The FGDs were focused on four separate sub-economic sectors of Province 1: (i) agriculture and livestock, (ii) manufacturing, (iii) services, and (iv) banks and financial institutions. The event was attended by industrialists, businesspersons, bankers, traders, farmers, representatives from private sector, etc. The event was a part of the study titled “Facilitating Economic Revitalization Post- COVID-19 of Province 1” in which NIURS and other consortium partners are working in a consortium on behalf of The Asia Foundation (TAF) to support the Province Investment Authority (PIA) of Province 1 in mainly three areas: (i) policy support and institutional strengthening in Province 1 regarding investment promotion in Province 1 (ii) strategic recommendations for economic growth and investment promotion in Province 1 (iii) selection of investment projects and investment promotion in Province 1.
Meetings at Biratnagar regarding Investment Opportunities and Challenges in Province 1niurs2022-08-15T11:34:17+05:45